Is a Marketing Automation Strategy Right For You?

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  The two major keys to inbound marketing are creating high quality, targeted content and engaging potential customers on a personal level. This is a very involved and often rather delicate process. And like all involved and delicate processes, there’s… Read More

5 Tips For a Jolly Holiday Direct Mail Campaign

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  ‘Tis the season to be profitable with direct mail. As spending ramps up during the holiday season, it’s important that your business is poised to take advantage of holiday marketing. By following these tips, you can ensure that your… Read More

How To Benefit From Google’s New Hummingbird Update

Image for How To Benefit From Google’s New Hummingbird Update
  Google’s new algorithm update came out in September 2013. The update, which has been dubbed “Hummingbird” and affects up to 90 percent of all its searches, is setting the inbound marketing world a-flutter (pun intended). But before you… Read More

B2B vs. B2C – Inbound Marketing Approaches

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There’s a lot of content out there geared toward marketers. How to increase your web traffic, how to increase your sales, etc. If you look at it, you’ll notice that some of… Read More