Is There Such Thing As Bad Publicity?

Image for Is There Such Thing As Bad Publicity?
  “There’s no such thing as bad publicity,” is a common saying in marketing. A company may make a huge mistake or even get caught doing things that are unscrupulous or illegal. Everyone comes together to condemn what they’ve done,… Read More

Spreading the Word – 3 Tips For Promoting Your Content

Image for Spreading the Word – 3 Tips For Promoting Your Content
  The marketing cycle used to be as follows: Buy an ad. Use that ad to reach your audience. Sell them your product. Use the profits to buy more ads. Ad infinitum. From TV commercials to magazine ads, marketing was… Read More

Getting Your Inbound Strategy Ready For the Holiday Season

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  Now that we’ve made it through Thanksgiving, you know what’s coming next … holiday shopping season. No matter what your business is, the holiday season is just about the most important and lucrative time of year for sales. Are… Read More

Using Infographics Successfully

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  Infographics are becoming increasingly popular in the world of content. They take data, statistics and other information that the target audience might otherwise gloss over as boring, and present that information visually to make it more… Read More

5 Mistakes Your Blog Is Making

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  Regular blogging is one of the most important factors in your content marketing strategy. The more you blog, the more you’ll be able to increase web traffic and ultimately drive sales. But only if the content you generate is… Read More

5 Ways To Use LinkedIn In Your Social Media Strategy

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  Your brand has a Facebook page and a Twitter profile, and you use them regularly. You may even be on Pinterest and Instagram, too. They’ve really helped you build up a following and promote your content. So you’re… Read More

5 Mistakes That Can Ruin a Direct Mail Marketing Campaign

Image for 5 Mistakes That Can Ruin a Direct Mail Marketing Campaign
  Not seeing the numbers you expected from your direct mail marketing? If your campaign is underperforming – or flopping, even – it may be the result of these common mistakes. Whether you’re willing to give direct mail a try… Read More

Forbes’ Top 7 Content Marketing Trends Of 2014

Image for Forbes’ Top 7 Content Marketing Trends Of 2014
  The new year is rapidly approaching—which usually means a clean start and a fresh budget. It’s a good time to reevaluate your current content marketing strategy and see what’s working and what needs to be updated. Fortunately, our friends… Read More

6 Reasons Your Business Blogging Isn’t Working

Image for 6 Reasons Your Business Blogging Isn’t Working
  Blogging is one of the best methods of updating your company website on a regular basis. To rank well in search, it’s necessary to have fresh content frequently but let’s face it, you can only rewrite your copy so… Read More