Black Hat SEO Got Run Over By Content

Image for Black Hat SEO Got Run Over By Content
So what do In case you haven’t heard, there’s big news in the world of SEO. Google has updated its algorithms so that keyword density plays a much more minor role in search results than it used to. In fact, using keywords more than a couple of times apiece will get your site penalized and make your content rank lower in the results, rather than higher. What does this mean? It means the end of black hat SEO. The practice of surreptitiously stuffing a site with out-of-context keywords to boost its popularity artificially is no longer effective. Instead, the winners of the battle for search supremacy are the ones with the best content. Read More

4 Critical Qualities To Look For In an Inbound Marketing Agency

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  You’ve finally decided to focus on running your homebuilding business and leave the inbound marketing to someone else. Now, finding the right person or company is top priority, but you don’t know where to start. Does this sound familiar? We’ve all been there—looking for a service provider who knows their stuff, won’t rip us off and falls comfortably within our budget. Sadly, it’s something of a tall order to fill. It’s not impossible, though, as long as you go about searching scientifically and logically you can avoid the scammers and start what could be a beautiful relationship! Walking the Walk Read More

WestJet’s Marketing Stunt Makes Holiday Dreams Come True

Image for WestJet’s Marketing Stunt Makes Holiday Dreams Come True
  The holiday season can be something of a double-edged sword for brand promotion. From presents to food to travel arrangements and more, it presents a huge opportunity for increased sales. It would be irresponsible not to take advantage of this and create marketing campaigns geared toward the holidays. However, when you do that, you also run the risk of looking like just another “greedy corporation,” that only cares about making a buck, rather than the spirit of the season. Well, who says you can’t care Read More

What a Little Bird Told Me About the Importance Of Content

Image for What a Little Bird Told Me About the Importance Of Content
For several years we’ve been talking about how “Content is King” when it comes to making the most of your online presence. We’ve repeatedly urged businesses to make sure that they are putting lots of high quality content on their websites so that their customers will be able to find them. Why that’s important, of course, is that when potential customers are searching for whatever it is you do, they are more likely to find you if you have lots of good content out there. The word searching is emphasized here for a reason. The lion’s share of online searches continues to go through Google—and Google has once again made some changes to the algorithm they use to rank the relevance of web content. Read More

Deck the Halls With Landing Pages For 2014 Lead Generation

Image for Deck the Halls With Landing Pages For 2014 Lead Generation
  Back in 2011, industry commentators were blogging about “the rising importance of landing pages.” Well, guess what? Since then, the demand for good landing pages that deliver lead generation has risen exponentially. With the holidays coming up, there’s still time to deck the halls of your website, not with boughs of holly but with landing pages that convert your holiday traffic into viable leads for 2014. We took a look at where landing pages have come from, where they’re going and why they’ll get you anywhere you want to take your business. Read More

Let It Snow: 4 Reasons To Keep Content Marketing Alive In the Holidays

Image for Let It Snow: 4 Reasons To Keep Content Marketing Alive In the Holidays
  It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas, everywhere you go! And just like the song says, in just a few weeks’ time the holidays will be here. Or will they? Sure, there’ll be holiday decorations in your home and the stores, and many of your friends and family will be winding down to take a well-deserved break. But does that mean you can do the same, and just stop publishing content for a week or three? Surely, nobody’s going to notice if you do, right? Wrong! Here are four reasons why content marketing matters as much—if not more—during the holidays as any other time of year. Get yours all set up and then you can let it snow, baby, let it snow! Read More

What We Can Learn from Rudolph

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  You’ve probably known the story of Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer since you were a small child. From the popular song to the Claymation TV special, that little reindeer and his big red… Read More

Miracle On 34th Street? Nah! It Was Just Inbound Marketing

Image for Miracle On 34th Street? Nah! It Was Just Inbound Marketing
  It’s that time of year when classic Christmas movies seem to run non-stop on cable television. And we have to confess that we kind of like it. One of our favorites goes all the way back to 1947. And in addition to the conventional storyline about a little girl who rediscovers the meaning of Christmas, Miracle on 34th Street introduced a rather radical approach to doing retail business. Remember how the mysterious Kris Kringle sends a customer to Macy’s archrival, Gimbals, to make a purchase, telling the startled customer that Gimbals has better skates? The store manager is horrified, but what happens next really knocks his socks off. The customer—who has just been advised to make a purchase at a competitor’s store—tells the Macy’s manager that she is now a Macy’s customer for life! Read More

Who Still Uses Direct Mail? (How About Apple?)

Image for Who Still Uses Direct Mail? (How About Apple?)
Does direct mail marketing still have a place in an online world? After all, who still uses direct mail today? The answer just might surprise you. One of the most innovative and forward-thinking companies in the high-tech world knows that sometimes the tactile appeal of a piece of mail delivers what a post or a tweet just can’t. The online technology reporting site TechCrunch recently reported that the Cupertino computing giant mailed out a set of slick posters featuring outstanding images of their ultra-cool-looking new Mac Pro computers. Is Apple going “old school” with their marketing? Read More