The Most Effective Direct Mail Strategies

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  Direct mail campaigns can be an ideal way to draw new customers into a business, or simply liven up business among current customers. At the same time, however, direct mailings can be expensive and time consuming to distribute, so your business should target the most profitable demographics when deciding who to send mailings to. Read More

Mobile Optimization And Google Rankings

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Strong Google rankings are critical for getting your website seen, whether on the computer or on people’s various mobile devices. Because of the increasing prominence of mobile devices, Google has recently adjusted its formal ranking system to reflect the needs of mobile devices. Learn these key strategies about the new Google Rankings for mobile devices to make sure your company’s website will meet stringent new requirements. 1. Changes in Google Rankings Read More

How Direct Mail Beats Out Online Marketing

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  We’ve all heard the argument that direct mail is dead and web marketing is the new way to go. After all, who still uses the postal service to send mail? While that may be true when it comes to most social correspondence or work communication, advertising still fares extremely well when received in hard copy. Engaging customers through direct mail campaigns is a surefire way to get a higher return on investment (ROI) than if you focused all of your efforts on email and web marketing. Direct Mail Response Rates Read More

The 7 Words That Should NEVER Describe Your Business

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  Traditionally, marketing people have spent a lot of time, energy, and money on branding. They want prospects and customers to associate their company with certain characteristics. The Internet, however, has pulled back the curtain on most businesses, and the prevailing marketing wisdom now is that your brand is whatever your customers say it is. You may want to portray your company as caring or quality-driven, but if the public sees you otherwise, and talks about you online—that’s your brand. It all comes down to the words used to describe you—and the words the public uses are far more powerful than the words you use to describe yourself. Read More

The 3 Biggest Inbound Marketing Lessons We’ve Learned Over the Last 3 Years

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  It’s hard to believe, but just a few short years ago, we knew next to nothing about inbound marketing. What we did know, however, was that marketing was changing. Methods that had worked for decades were no longer effective. The marketplace had changed. The way people did business had changed. The more we learned about inbound marketing, the more sense it made. So we changed too. Shifting to an inbound approach has had a dramatic impact on our business—and on the businesses of a number of out clients. And you know what? We’re still learning—and changing. I recently thought about some of what we’ve learned over the last three years. Here are three of the most significant lessons we’ve learned. Read More

Improving Your Marketing Knowledge: 8 Marketing Terms You REALLY Need To Know

Image for Improving Your Marketing Knowledge: 8 Marketing Terms You REALLY Need To Know
  Let’s face it, a lot of people tasked with doing marketing for their companies don’t come from a marketing background. Maybe you’re one of them. You’re expected to produce good marketing results, but sometimes it sounds like other marketing people are speaking a foreign language. And let’s face it, marketing (and marketing terms) has changed over the last few years. So a lot of what you may have learned in your basic marketing classes in college can be pretty outdated. Read More

Content Marketing Trumps the Super Bowl – Part 2

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  The Super Bowl is probably the biggest marketing event of the year—so much so that we couldn’t cover all the brilliant content marketing tactics in a single blog post. Yesterday, we talked about how Doritos and SodaStream used online content to promote their Super Bowl ads. Today, we present two more companies, who switched things up and used the Super Bowl to promote their online content. Newcastle Brown Ale – If We Made It Read More

What Google Analytics Can Reveal About Your Online Marketing

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  When trying to evaluate your online marketing strategy, one of the most useful tools at your disposal is Google Analytics. Google Analytics is a great program for assessing website activity to increase return on investment (ROI). Integrating Google Analytics into your business’ website can transform the way you think about your site, by providing you with a wealth of data. A Web Designer’s Favorite Thing Read More

It’s Official: Content and Social Media Trump the Super Bowl for Marketing Power – Part 1

Image for It’s Official: Content and Social Media Trump the Super Bowl for Marketing Power – Part 1
We’ve often talked about how traditional forms of advertisements such as TV commercials are no longer effective. People mute them, change the channel, or just don’t pay attention to them. But there’s one magical time of year when that’s not true: the Super Bowl. The Super Bowl Ad phenomenon is truly a stroke of marketing genius. Everyone looks forward to them—even those who don’t necessarily watch football. They’re clever, funny, have high production values, and often feature A-list celebrities. In fact, ads are so widely viewed that 30 seconds of Super Bowl airtime this year cost companies about $4 million. Read More

Inbound Marketing: 4 Marketing Actions That Turn Strangers Into Customers And Evangelists For Your Company

Image for Inbound Marketing: 4 Marketing Actions That Turn Strangers Into Customers And Evangelists For Your Company
  Sometimes businesses operate under the misconception that marketing is a two-step process in which total strangers suddenly become customers. I’m over-simplifying this a bit, but what happens is something like this. The business puts out information about their products and services and expects total strangers to immediately buy these products and services (to become customers). Unfortunately, when companies take this approach, they often come to the conclusion that “Marketing is a waste of time and money.” Read More