Why Taking Risks is Important for Successful Direct Mail Campaigns

Image for Why Taking Risks is Important for Successful Direct Mail Campaigns
  Consumers don't do well with routine. While change in one's personal life can mean emotional upheaval, the same doesn't apply for marketing campaigns. When customers are continually marketed to in the same way, they get bored. They then become more likely to give their loyalty to someone else. The same trap exists in direct mail campaigns. Taking risks in direct mail marketing is important to business growth and success. Read More

8 Copywriting Tips that Make the World of Difference to Your Direct Mail Response Rate

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  When you spend the time and effort putting together a direct marketing campaign, you want to be sure it’s going to get a response. And let’s face it, some marketers are better writers than others. Even if you’re using a professional writer, it pays to know what works and what doesn’t so you can achieve a successful direct mail campaign. Here are 8 copywriting tips that will make the world of difference to your response rates. Read More

Why Less is More in Direct Mail Campaigns

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  Many companies make the mistake of sending direct mailers covered in overwhelming colors, an overload of information, a multitude of cheesy tag lines, and false promises. It's a mistake to think direct mail should be crammed and jumbled. This look turns more customers away than other direct mail approaches. If you're struggling to create an effective direct mail campaign that doesn't appear crowded and messy, try these design strategies: Read More

Direct Mail Marketing and the Legend of “White Fang”

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  One of the biggest problems direct mailers face is when the mailing piece doesn’t reach the intended audience. That’s a real drag when you’ve spent time and money to rent the list, create the package, print it, mail it, and paid for the postage—and then the person it’s supposed to reach never even sees it. Sometimes that happens as the result of a bad address. People and businesses move. Sometimes the address you have hasn’t been updated. The good news is that this is pretty easy to address by running a simple National Change of Address on your mailing list (one of the basic services we provide our customers). Read More

Direct Mail Marketing: Treat Every Mailing as a Significant Learning Opportunity

Image for Direct Mail Marketing: Treat Every Mailing as a Significant Learning Opportunity
  Let’s face it: Not every mailing you send out will be an unmitigated success. There will be times when you simply don’t get the results you hoped for. But that doesn’t mean that you should simply turn your back on that effort and never think about it again. When you track your direct mail results (and you need to make sure you’re doing this!), don’t focus exclusively on the numbers. Sure it’s important to measure response and revenue and return on investment. You should do that. (By the way, if you’re looking for ways to record responses this post has helpful suggestions for tracking of direct mail campaign results.) Read More

How the USPS Squabbles Could Affect Your Direct Mail (and what to do about it NOW)

Image for How the USPS Squabbles Could Affect Your Direct Mail (and what to do about it NOW)
  The USPS has been threatening financial collapse for what feels like eons now, but in reality it has only been a few years. Now, a round of talks scheduled for Fall of 2014 (now!) threatens to result in the closure of 82 mail-processing centers and the loss of 15,000 jobs. Since 2012, USPS has already consolidated 141 processing centers, leading to a much leaner service than in the past. The issue is now the subject of a major squabble in the Senate, and it’s looking more and more likely that at some point the service will die out entirely. Read More

Direct Mail Success: Creating STRATEGIC Content

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You hear a lot of talk about "content marketing." While most talk is focused around online marketing, the content you create for direct mail is just as critical. The way businesses use direct mail has changed, but it’s still integral to overall marketing strategy. And just like content for online platforms, content you create for your direct mail efforts can make the difference between success and failure. Read More

Best Direct Mail Practices for Locating Your Target Audience

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  Identifying the right target audience for a direct mail campaign can be difficult. However, for direct mail to be effective, it's the most important part of the process. Marketing efforts are more successful when they are directed at a specific group of interested people. Try these strategies for locating your target audience: Read More

Direct Mail Over Digital: Why the Classic Approach Still Works

Image for Direct Mail Over Digital: Why the Classic Approach Still Works
  Although digital marketing is prioritized in every company’s marketing strategy, people are too quick to dismiss print marketing strategies as a dead art. In fact, strategies like direct mail are still important to any company's comprehensive marketing plan. Some may be surprised to learn print remains an important component of every digital effort. The strongest marketing strategies blend the physical and digital world. Read More

4 Novel Ways to Personalize a Direct Mail Campaign

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Sending direct mail campaigns is still a great way to get in front of customers. One  reason is because it’s more “sticky” – postcards and such are more likely to be kept lying around for a few days and revisited than an email is. But how much more attention will your mailings get if you personalize them? Quite a lot, actually! Here are 4 exciting ways to do so. Read More