Direct Mail Secrets: What’s the Best List for Your Mailing?

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  For many years, direct mail experts have touted having the right list as one of the absolute essentials for direct mail success. It’s part of what became known as the 40-40-20 Rule. If you’re not communicating with the right audience you’re wasting your time and money. If you’re talking about your products and services to someone who simply isn’t interested—you’re sending “junk mail.” Read More

Direct Mail That Really Delivers

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If your business relies on direct mail as part of your overall marketing strategy, it’s important to make sure your mail gets where it’s supposed to go. The last thing you want is  a bunch of mailers ending up back in your company mail room marked “undeliverable.” It’s a waste of time and money. Read More

Why Saving Money on Direct Mail Design Can Cost You Big Time

Image for Why Saving Money on Direct Mail Design Can Cost You Big Time
Every smart business tries to keep a lid on costs. That’s just good business. But sometimes businesses shoot themselves in the foot with cost-savings efforts. You wouldn’t turn off the power in an effort to save money on utilities because the loss of employee productivity would far outweigh any savings you might realize. Read More

3 Ways to Measure the ROI of Your Direct Mail Campaigns

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Everything you do in business needs to deliver a return on your investment (ROI). Whether you’re putting in money, time, effort or other resources, it’s only worthwhile if you can see the results. However, it’s often difficult to measure the ROI of direct mail campaigns. You don’t always know how and why customers end up coming to you for products or services. Some of the things you might want to measure are: Read More

Solidify Your Brand with Direct Mail Marketing

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  To create a solid brand, you have to present it properly in multiple forms. Direct mail is a good traditional strategy for showing off a solid brand, in contrast to digital marketing. The following are a few tips for presenting a strong brand and increasing brand recognition through direct mail. Read More

8 Ways to Hook Readers into Reading Your Direct Mail

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  Direct mail advertising often ends up in the trash. Figuring out how to avoid this with compelling written content is every marketer’s goal. The mailing needs a "hook:" a phrase, statement, or image that will draw in readers and convince them to read the rest of the paper. There are a number of factors that are important to an effective hook, and a few tips for writing a good hook are listed here. Read More

Direct Mail Marketing to Millennials

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  The younger generation is aggressively marketed via the internet. Many companies ignore them in direct mail marketing campaigns, thinking young adults are only interested in the digital world. In fact, young adults are a rich opportunity for your direct mail marketing campaign if you use the right strategies. Before you can effectively market to young adults, however, you must first understand the mind of the millennial. Millennials make up a large portion of the workforce today and have different values than the generations before them. Read More

Marrying Direct Mail and Digital Marketing

Image for Marrying Direct Mail and Digital Marketing
  When companies restrict their marketing to the digital world, they miss out on opportunities offered by direct mail. A comprehensive marketing strategy bridges the gap between direct mail and digital, using each to complement the other. Direct mail is virtually certain to reach the recipient, but cannot provide as much information or content as digital marketing sources. Internet resources can be unlimited in amount of content, but web traffic must be directed to them if they’re to be effective. The following are a few of the benefits of combining direct mail and digital strategies for maximum marketing success. Read More

Wearing Your Heart on Your Envelope: Emotion and Direct Mail

Image for Wearing Your Heart on Your Envelope: Emotion and Direct Mail
  Sometimes we make fun of people who wear their hearts on their sleeves—showing their feelings a bit too freely. But is it ever permissible to wear your heart on your envelope? Does emotion have a place in direct mail? Absolutely! As a matter of fact, there are times when an absence of emotion would seem glaringly out of place. Appeals for nonprofit organizations that deal with disasters or with feeding hungry children would fall flat if there wasn’t a sense that the people within the organization cared about what they’re doing. Read More