Direct Mail Marketing: RSVP

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  We’ve all received invitations in the mail. Sometimes the invitation is to an elegant event. Other times it’s an invitation to an open house or a neighborhood barbeque. But these invitations have something in common: They all have an RSVP. The person (or organization) sending out the invitation wants to know what your response will be. Are you coming or not? Read More

Direct Mail Marketing: Are You Drinking Your Own Kool-Aid?

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  There are times when businesses just aren’t happy with the results they’re getting from their direct mailings. When that happens, there’s a tendency to put the blame on the messenger (direct mail) instead of on the message. Read More

Email and Direct Mail Marketing: A “Tag Team” Approach to Marketing

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  Sometimes businesses get caught up with one particular form of marketing. For some it may be whatever has worked for them in the past. They’re familiar with it and they’re comfortable doing it. They don’t want to rock the boat—or learn something new. Other companies are enamored with whatever the newest technology is. They jump in with both feet—and often put all their marketing eggs in one basket, whether it’s Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram. Unfortunately, that generally doesn’t turn out so well. Read More

A Direct Mail Marketing Campaign Timeline Dissected

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  Choosing the timeframe for your direct mail marketing campaign is half the battle. The timeframe should be discussed in the beginning stages of a promotion, and considerations should include the scope of the campaign, number of mailings, budget, and what kind of print production will be involved. Read More

Planning Ahead for Direct Mail Success

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  If you’re like many businesses, you may be pretty focused on wrapping up the end of the current year. It’s important to finish well. But this time of year is also a great time to think ahead and plan improvements for the coming year. Read More

How Direct Mail Can Help Re-Establish Personal Relationships with Your Customers

Image for How Direct Mail Can Help Re-Establish Personal Relationships with Your Customers
  It’s lonely online. Hard to believe, in this age of online dating, marriages, shopping, banking and everything else, isn’t it? And yet, a survey conducted in Australia found that customers are increasingly feeling isolated from their favorite brands. Why? You guessed it—because the online marketing component has grown so big there’s no longer “personal” interaction. Read More

4 Ways to Ensure the Security of Your Direct Marketing Data

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  Criminals have never been slow to exploit an opportunity, and identity theft is rampant in the United States. One of the reasons so many consumers are reluctant to provide their personal contact information is because once a savvy thief gets hold of direct marketing data, it’s a short step to having enough information on someone to access their credit report. And we all know what happens next, right? The Direct Marketing Association (DMA) recommends that responsible marketers take necessary steps to protect consumer information. Read More

How to Deploy a Successful Direct Mail Marketing Campaign

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  Direct marketing has many benefits, such as reaching a large audience quickly and efficiently. Learning how to deploy a campaign may sound easy, but a lot must be done to make it successful. Direct mail marketing is a great way to increase revenue, gain traction in the community, and generate leads. To have a successful campaign, though, the correspondence must be targeted. Read More

Is Your Direct Mail Sinking in a Social Media-Driven World?

Image for Is Your Direct Mail Sinking in a Social Media-Driven World?
  With the intense focus on everything social these days, you might be wondering whether there’s still a place for direct mail in a social media-driven world. The answer is yes, if it’s done right. So what does “doing it right” actually mean, and how do you navigate the waters of the social seas without sinking? Don’t panic – there are ways to do it that will bring you a return on your direct marketing investment. Read More