How to Use Direct Mail Effectively for Nonprofit Fundraising

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  Every penny counts in charitable or nonprofit organizations, so it’s understandable that some are cautious about investing funds in direct mail efforts. Direct mail, however, has a special, tangible quality that can give weight to worthy causes. Read More

10 Advantages of a Well-Crafted Direct Mail Campaign

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  Although there are many companies who turn to technology-based methods such as online advertising and emailing to reach clients, direct mail is known to be one of the most consistently successful methods of attracting potential customers. When a direct mailing campaign has been well planned, it is a simple and cost-effective way to gain the most out of your advertising efforts. Read More

Why Direct Mail Gimmicks Really Don’t Work

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  Every business I know of is looking for a little competitive advantage. There are so many messages out there in the marketplace that some companies will grasp at anything that helps them stand out from their competitors. Sometimes that even extends to using a bit of gimmickry to get potential clients to take a look at their direct mailings.  Read More

Something Old, Something New . . .

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  There always seems to be a bit of a battle between “Old School” and “New School” when it comes to direct marketing. Direct Mail definitely falls into the “Old School” camp. It takes longer to create. It takes longer to deliver. It’s generally more expensive (you have paper, printing, mailing, and postage charges). And the response isn’t instantaneous.  Read More

4 Things Every Direct Mailing Must Do

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  Often when businesses think about their direct mail efforts, they focus on the tips and tricks that they think will get them better results. That’s not a bad thing. And in today’s marketplace, you’ll want to take advantage of anything that will boost your mailing’s performance.  It’s one of the reasons we offer free tools such as the Best Direct Mail Practices in an Evolving Marketplace eBook.  Read More

Is It OK for Mailings to Be Urgent?

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  Creating a sense of urgency with your direct mailings is one of the oldest—and most effective—marketing approaches in the book. You’ve seen the approach hundreds of times. Store banners, newspaper ads, and direct mailers proclaim: “Limited Time Offer!” or “Limited Quantities!” or the ever-popular, “When They’re Gone, They’re Gone!  Read More

Integrating Your Direct Mail Efforts with Landing Pages

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Some marketers are still surprised at the staying power of direct mail. The Direct Marketing Association, however, isn’t surprised and reported that approximately 90 million Americans still make purchases from catalogs every year! Read More