Meeting Your Biggest Direct Mail Challenges

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  There’s no doubt about it: we live in an online age. But even when there are lots of compelling reasons to take things online, we find companies such as Apple and Google using direct mail as part of their overall marketing strategy. Read More

Direct Mail for Nonprofits: Identifying Customer Segments

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  Segmentation for nonprofits is a two-pronged exercise, split between market and customer segments. Each informs the other and, when worked in tandem, is one of the most powerful ways to make direct mail marketing truly effective. Getting it right avoids the scattergun effect of mailing disinterested parties. Read More

How to Ethically Create a Direct Mail Mailing List for Your Business

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  Ethically building a mail list takes a little time and effort. If you’re just starting in business, begin by capturing as much information about your customers as you can. The very best list is the one containing names and contact details of people who’ve already bought from you. From there, you can build outwards. Read More

Defining Your Ideal Customer—With a Persona

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Why do some companies seem to “get” their customers? Their marketing is spot on and speaks to what their customers want to know. Prospects and customers actually read what they publish—and respond.  How do they do it? Read More

5 Steps to Putting Together a Successful Direct Mail Campaign

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  Sometimes, it’s good to get off the bandwagon. In recent years direct mail has fallen somewhat out of favor, with more companies choosing to go digital with their marketing. As the 2015 DMA Response Rate Report says, the fact that fewer companies are using direct mail is actually good news for those that do. It means far fewer pieces of mail clamoring for attention, and more chance of your mail shot getting read and acted upon. Read More

4 Reasons to Choose Direct Mail (Instead of Email)

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  If you’re not using direct mail as part of your marketing strategy, there’s a good chance you’re missing a potentially lucrative trick. The ease and immediacy of email has stolen some of direct mail’s thunder, it’s true, but often the very things are attractive about email are also the things that make it less effective. Read More

4 Ways to Make Direct Mail Engage Your Target Market

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  If there’s one nightmare scenario for every company who starts a direct mail campaign, it’s putting lots of effort and expense into a promotion only to get nothing in return but crickets. Engaging your target market is crucial, otherwise your printed materials just end up in landfill. Read More

4 Direct Mail Tactics to Avoid like the Plague

Image for 4 Direct Mail Tactics to Avoid like the Plague
  Although direct marketing has proved over and over again to be a successful way to keep clients and to gain more new clients, it has to be done properly to prevent your business from losing money. Maximize the results of your direct mailing campaign by avoiding these 4 mistakes like the plague: Read More