1. Does you blog post have links, including a call to action (CTA)?
In addition to the great content that you have provided about remodeling, you should also link to other great online content. You can provide both internal and external links. Don’t forget to include a call to action (CTA) near the end of the page to keep your reader engaged with the topic at hand.
2. Does your blog post have at least one image with citation?
Whatever the topic at hand is for your remodeling blog post, you should include at least one image. Make sure that you provide image citation so that your source gets proper recognition and you boost your credibility for your readers.
3. Did you take the time to rework your title?
If you already did take the time to rework your title, take another minute to rework it again. It is really tough to write a great title that both explains the subject and gets people excited about it, especially on the first try. Take your time to research and refine your title. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different titles.
4. Is the format of your blog post user friendly?
We have all read blog posts that are not user friendly, such as posts where the text is all one long paragraph or the light colored text is difficult to read over the dark colored web site background. Include headings, bullet lists, images, links, and more as it is appropriate to make your post format user friendly.
5. Did you proofread and preview the final text and layout?
Take the time to proofread your post. Have at least one other person proofread it as well. Then preview the final layout as your readers will be viewing it.
This final check should also include a final keyword optimizationcheck. Your post should not be stuffed with keywords but should have a natural keyword density. If it is ever awkward to include a keyword or keyword phrase, simply leave it out.
Blog Post Written by Jimmy Donnellon
Jimmy is an inbound marketing professional with a background in public relations and marketing. Jimmy helps his clients get found on the web, convert visitors into leads and helps them track their results.